Saturday, December 12, 2009

Religious What Religions Haven't Undergone Religious Innovation, And Is Syncreticism A Positive Or Negative Thing?

What religions haven't undergone religious innovation, and is syncreticism a positive or negative thing? - religious

Any change in religious practice, the organization, innovation, or religious beliefs. Religious Innovation is seen as a move away from traditionalism. Some people believe that religious innovation is inevitable, because there is a constant tension between the belief in the immutability of tradition and change the social reality of the religious organizations themselves. Are you in favor or disgrace of social change in the nature of their religion is the "provenance" of these laws and religious practices and innovation has been superseded in all parts of what is wrong with your opinion?


What up Buttercup said...

Syncretism something positive or negative?

I vote for this thing.

George K said...

I can not think of one tradition that remained static throughout its existence, and does not think that there can be such a body. Syncretism Religoius both positive and negative effects. Can be seen, but at the same time, the traditions of syncretism obtained only in the sand and the creation of conflict as a method of mediation in the contact of the two conflicting views.

A good example of what happens to the Sikhs in the Punjab region of India. They are born in the Hindu-Muslim syncretism, but ended up being pursued by Hindus and Muslims. What do you say that syncretism in general slightly positive or negative depends on whether you see the benefits of diversity as a value of the costs associated with conflicts.

Правосла... said...

Orthodox Christianity, the preservation of the truth of the year 33 AD.

The apostles, who founded the church (Orthodox) told us to stand firm "and the traditions that have learned how to hold, whether by word or our epistle. 2 Thessalonians 2:15, and" so that you are fighting for the faith which was once delivered to the saints. "Jude 1:3

Therefore, the Orthodox Church the only true Christian Church, Catholics and Protestants are heretics and should not be regarded as genuine Christians who do not hold on to traditions, or for the faith once and for all the saints.

askme said...

Christianity ...

Pagan syncretism:

Deut. 12: 2-7, Deut. 13, Exodus 34:12-13, Deut. 7:5, Deut. 16:21-22
1 Kings 14:22-24, 2 Chronicles 14:3-4, 2 Kings 17:7-12, 2 Kings 18:4-6, 2 Chronicles 31:1
Judges 6:25-30, 1 Kings 16:30-33 and 2 Chronicles 17:6, 2 Kings 21:1-7, 2 Kings 23:3-7

Nimrod, Semiramis, Tammuz:

Jer. 7:17-19, Jer. 44:15-23, Eze. 8:13-16

cheruvim... said...

Good question. I see by your name that you are Greek. I wanted more than orthodox Christianity, which does not completely change what Christ has God left us to talk to ... for our salvation. The word "Orthodox" means teaching law or doctrine, or simply ... and will never allow any changes or innovations stumbled on. Saint Paul said: "Let maintain, and traditions." I do not see much room for interpretation there. No change in society. People are even today as when Christ came to earth ... Souls of men are always the same needs, and Christ in his Church, to us 2000 years ago, full of them. Good question.

cheruvim... said...

Good question. I see by your name that you are Greek. I wanted more than orthodox Christianity, which does not completely change what Christ has God left us to talk to ... for our salvation. The word "Orthodox" means teaching law or doctrine, or simply ... and will never allow any changes or innovations stumbled on. Saint Paul said: "Let maintain, and traditions." I do not see much room for interpretation there. No change in society. People are even today as when Christ came to earth ... Souls of men are always the same needs, and Christ in his Church, to us 2000 years ago, full of them. Good question.

This is Not My Account said...

A change is good as a feast, and if you believe in an angry God who hates, really a vacation:)

5stars said...

Orthodox (no matter if it's Ethiopian, Russian, Greek, etc.), Christianity
Theravada Buddhism (the original teaching, I think the fans are monastic?)

NMMNG said...

Religion does not make people better, the people are the best religion.

NMMNG said...

Religion does not make people better, the people are the best religion.

Neko_Cha... said...

Syncretism, I think there is something very negative. This is particularly true for religions, if you are an atheist or a theist for religion.

If you change an idea or networking with others, you are not faithful to the origins of what religion.I m 'pretty sure that if one assumes that truth is universal, but one must also timeless.If religious and you believe, for example, that parts of the Bible does not concern us any more, because we are in today's world, you're a hypocrite.

For atheists, it makes us much good to see fundamentalist religion remain pure madness, because we know the literature and faith, for what it is.Usually, keep a pure religion, the more painfully obvious, c there is something wrong. Even Phelps family has mixed in some modern thinking, their beliefs are in the vicinity, but as a person as I've ever heard, and they think a great job to keep people away.Blending modern way of theology waters belowIdeals of bad taste that appeals to our young people, parents, or just generally impressed people.This is a kind of rap as in advertisements that sell products, but with this, if you do not mix things in the news was really sexist ends.

Music-wise, if ... always in the mix of ideas.

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